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5 Tips for Teaching Kids How to Brush

5 Tips for Teaching Kids How to Brush

Good oral hygiene is a crucial part of a person’s health. Thus, it is imperative that parents help teach their kids not only to brush their teeth twice a day, but also how to do so effectively. Rather than making brushing teeth a chore, try to make cleaning their teeth a fun and enjoyable experience. Below are some tips from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Gabriela Aragon, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar, Dr. Kara McCulloch and Dr. Todd Steinhart at Advanced Orthodontics for making sure your child knows how to effectively and properly clean their teeth. 

  • Start Them Young! – In order for your child to learn how to properly brush their teeth, start by teaching them at a younger age. This allows them to develop consistency and routine while also getting plenty of brushing practice in! Make sure your child knows that brushing your teeth leads to a healthy smile. Also, be sure to discuss cavities, bad breath, toothy decay, and all of the other negatives that arise from improper tooth brushing.

  • Make it Fun! – This aspect is truly key. If you can make tooth brushing fun and not be viewed as a chore, children will be more inclined to do it. Do it with them! Here’s an idea: pick a song he or she loves that is about two minutes in length. Then you both have to brush your teeth for the entire duration of the song!

  • Let Them Pick Out Their Toothpaste and Toothbrush – Just like kids get excited about picking out what they get to wear, let them pick out their toothpaste and toothbrush (just be sure to purchase a toothpaste with fluoride in it!). This way they have a flavor of toothpaste they like and a toothbrush they are excited about!

  • Compliment Them! – When their teeth look good say so! Positive reinforcement is never a bad idea with children. If you make them feel like brushing their teeth is a skill they are good at, they will be more apt to keep doing it!

  • Find the Right Dentist – Find a dentist who your child likes and is good at working with kids. You can even ask the dentist to compliment the child’s brushing. Your dentist can also give you tips and tricks for your child’s oral hygiene care.

If you follow these five simple tips, you will be well on your way to making sure your child is an excellent tooth-brusher! Tooth brushing is an important part of maintaining good oral health and is a skill that should be instilled from a young age. If you have any questions about tooth brushing and oral hygiene, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

Don’t Forget to Do This Before Your Next Dental Visit

Don’t Forget to Do This Before Your Next Dental Visit

Twice yearly dental visits are a crucial part of maintaining your oral health. Just like you wouldn’t skip your yearly physical, dentist appointments shouldn’t be skipped either. With busy schedules it is tough to find the time for appointments, however, many dentists offer a variety of appointment times so you can find one that compliments your schedule. Once you have your appointment, here is a list of things you should do before you go to your appointment from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Gabriela Aragon, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar, Dr. Kara McCulloch and Dr. Todd Steinhart at Advanced Orthodontics.

You should see your dentist twice a year for check-ups. It is important that you have the necessary items for your appointment and also make a list of any questions or concerns you may have to make the most of your appointment time. Read below about how best to prepare for your dental visit.

  • Make a List – Be sure to list any questions or concerns you may want to discuss during your visit. This way you won’t forget to mention anything when you go. Some things you might want to mention include: any pain or discomfort you’re experiencing and the location of the discomfort, questions about your oral health (brushing and flossing habits), and any questions about cosmetic dentistry (teeth whitening, veneers, etc.).

  • Confirm Your Appointment – Most dentists offices will call you to confirm your appointment, but since you have made time in your schedule, it never hurts to have peace of mind. You can simply call your dentist’s office to confirm your appointment and ask any questions you may have prior to the appointment.

  • Insurance and Payment – Make sure you have your insurance card and any other forms of payment you may need to utilize ready to go and are brought to the appointment.

  • Medical Information – You may be asked to fill out a medical history form, so make sure you are aware of any important details of your medical history.

If you follow this simple checklist, you will be totally prepared for your upcoming dental appointment! It is important that you make the time to see your dentist for at least two dental visits a year. We are here to help, so if you have any questions about your dental health, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

What You Should Know about Veneers


Veneers can change the appearance of your teeth in a way that can mask imperfections and boost your confidence in your smile. Thus, they might be a good option for you if you’re looking to reinvent your smile. However, there are a lot of things you should know about veneers before you decide if they’re the right choice for you. Keep reading for some information about veneers from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Gabriela Aragon, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar, Dr. Kara McCulloch and Dr. Todd Steinhart at Advanced Orthodontics.

  • Veneers are a long-term fix – They are not removable. Veneers are fixed in place by a dental professional and typically last between 15-20 years.

  • Be careful with color – While everyone wants a bright white smile, you can go too white with porcelain veneers. You want to make sure you choose a shade of white that will look natural.

  • Chips and Cracks – Veneers are similar to teeth; they can chip and crack. Thus, you need to be careful while wearing them.

  • Temporary options are available – Temporary veneers are available. These are typically used for one to two weeks.

  • Porcelain vsResin – Porcelain veneers are often chosen over resin ones because they are better at resisting stains. However, proper hygiene is crucial either way in order to keep veneers from becoming discolored.

  • People keep their natural teeth – Veneers are NOT the same thing as implants! The natural tooth acts as a base, and the veneer is attached to it.

  • Veneers are a cosmetic procedure – Since veneers are a cosmetic procedure, they are not covered by most insurance plans. It never hurts to double check with your insurance provider though!


Be sure to speak with a dental professional before deciding if veneers are the best option for you. They can assess whether veneers will give you the results you want. They may also be able to offer a different or more affordable option. 

Dating with Braces – Dos and Don’ts

Dating with Braces – Dos and Don’ts

Date night should be a fun experience, don’t let your braces hold you back from making the most of it! Fortunately, your braces don’t have to be a source of worry. Instead, you can focus on what to wear, where to go, and what to talk about. With a few simple tips you can flash your beautiful smile at your date as many times as you want without being worried about leftovers being hidden in your brackets. Read on for some advice from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Gabriela Aragon, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar, Dr. Kara McCulloch and Dr. Todd Steinhart at Advanced Orthodontics.

At a Nice Restaurant – Stick to Soft Foods

While mood lighting can help hide a lot of things, it can’t get rid of food in your teeth. So you can smile with confidence all night long, stick to soft foods. Pasta, mashed potatoes, soups, and other softer options are easy to eat and are less likely to have little bits that stick around in wires and brackets. Any crunchy fruits or veggies could prove difficult as well. Let’s just say corn should be a “no-go” whether you have braces or not! Also, any chewy bread or pizza should be cut up into small pieces before consuming.

At the Movies – Skip the Popcorn

Not only are those little kernels bound to get stuck in your braces, eating popcorn can potentially damage your braces. Nothing will ruin date night like breaking a bracket in the middle of a movie. Also, be sure to avoid any sticky or hard chocolate or candy items. Instead, order a refreshing ICEE or soda. You can even split a delicious soft pretzel, just be sure to eat it in small pieces!

At the Fair – Skip the Sticky Stuff

Any sticky taffy, candied nuts, or hard cookies should be avoided. Be careful with cotton candy too, sticky foods are a challenge with braces. Instead, opt for a soft elephant ear or some soft serve ice cream. Then you’ll be fueled to ride rides until the sun goes down!

Date night with braces is just like any other date night, you can still feel beautiful and have a great time! Just be sure to be a little cautious when picking out what to eat. Also, you can always pack a toothbrush if you want to be super prepared. If you ever have questions about what foods are best for braces, please don’t hesitate to contact our office!

Dental Implants – What Are They?

Dental Implants - What Are They?

Dental implants are metal posts or frames that are surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums. Once in place, they allow your dentist to mount replacement teeth onto them. Dental implants require a consultation and treatment that is performed by a qualified dental professional. They can help you determine if this is the right course of action for your teeth goals. Keep reading to learn more about dental implants from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar, Dr. Gabriela Aragon and Dr. Todd Steinhart at Advanced Orthodontics.

Dental implants provide stable support for artificial teeth because implants fuse to your jawbone. Dentures and bridges mounted to implants won’t slip or shift in your mouth. This is very important to ensure comfort and that eating and speaking aren’t a challenge.

To receive implants, it is crucial that you have healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implant. By getting implants, you also need to make a commitment to keeping these structures healthy. Impeccable oral hygiene and regular dentist visits are the keys to success.

The American Dental Association considers two types of implants to be safe. They are:

  • Endosteal implants — these are surgically implanted directly into the jawbone. Once the surrounding gum tissue has healed, a second surgery is needed to connect a post to the original implant. Finally, an artificial tooth (or teeth) is attached to the post, either individually, or grouped on a bridge or denture. 

  • Subperiosteal implants — these consist of a metal frame that is fitted onto the jawbone just below the gum tissue. As the gums heal, the frame becomes fixed to the jawbone. Posts, which are attached to the frame, protrude through the gums. As with endosteal implants, artificial teeth are then mounted to the posts. 

Dental implants are not simple. They are a big deal and a major commitment. Be sure to consult a dental professional before seeking to get dental implants. Please don’t hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions. 

Need to be the Tooth Fairy? Here’s What to do!

Need to be the Tooth Fairy? Here’s What to do!

Losing a tooth is so exciting because it means they are due for a visit from the Tooth Fairy! This is such an exciting time in a child’s life, and a great opportunity to create lasting memories for your child. There are so many creative things that go beyond just putting money under a pillow nowadays. Keep reading for some ways from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar and Dr. Gabriela Aragon at Advanced Orthodontics to make your child’s visit from the Tooth Fairy a lot more exciting!

  • Leave a note – A simple way to make the Tooth Fairy seem a little more believable is with a note. If you want to go the extra mile, you can buy or print out fairy themed stationary here or sprinkle some “fairy dust” on the card!

  • Tooth Fairy pillow – Who really leaves their tooth under their pillow anyway? Eliminate the risk of having to reach under your child’s pillow and wake them up – instead either buy or craft a Tooth Fairy pillow. These pillows have an adorable tooth shaped pocket where your child can leave their tooth for the Tooth Fairy to pick up!

  • Deliver the money in style – If you are opting to give your child money for their teeth, spruce up this gift with this super-cute printable that makes whatever amount of money you’re giving them a lot more magical!

  • “Fairy Money” – Give your child the most beautiful dollar bill he or she will ever lay eyes on. Give them money that glitters by following the simple instructions here.

  • “Tooth Fairy Dust” – Before bed have your child sprinkle some glitter dust outside your home (on the grass or sidewalk so you don’t have a mess in your home) so the tooth fairy knows which house to visit!

Be the best Tooth Fairy of all time by sprinkling in these special little upgrades! These little additions will make the Tooth Fairy experience a blast for the entire family. These ideas will make for a Tooth Fairy your child will never forget! As always, please contact our office if you have any questions or if we can help in any way.